Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dear Douglas Wright

I am engaged with your work I love it. I think it is time we make non dancers dance. Let the untrained be experts. Feelings over form, form following universal flow. You live in Aukland, I Welly, but I think mutually if we had full scale data projections, streaming skpye video, I think it could possible scrape something together, to quote my way of process, I 've seen documentry's of you working recently and it seems like you build on pieces of form.... I could be wrong.. what am i suggesting.. A Piece Choreographed by you on my body, where I will soar sore translucent.

I'd really appreciate your time, if you would consider this. It could be part of a series of activities that we can all master so should master things to do... Art, Theatre... etc...

info on me is on the net, or ask here.



Tao WElls

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