Criptic Critic Conscience and Known for it

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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I don't know if this is good sex My Trial will be around kiddy porn, and I will present the exact times, the seconds recorded in cyber space that I watched a particular piece of film, to match that to the actual footage I saw of the film, and you will see how quickly I turned it off, once I was sure that those people I saw there in the film were underage. That I did so reasonably, the prosecution will make out a different set of times, a different set of tapes, maybe even films, and all will stick to me not them, like lead mud. I saw this written in stone. Beace This has been a deliberate piece of prophetic satire in the forms of Woody Allen, or Bill Hicks. In Homage to the great Mapplethorpe. Robert where are you now.

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